Sunday, November 15, 2009

Celebrating 5 years of having Jon Kent.

At 5:05pm (CST) we welcomed into this world our screaming, TINY, 5 pound, 8 ounce little boy. After 2 years of trying and 2 miscarriages I was finally a momma to a baby here on earth. It was emotional to say the least. Out of all of Jon Kent's birthdays since that day, today has been the hardest. Not in a bad way, just in a way that I know my baby is growing up. That while he will always be my baby, he won't always want to be. So today, I tried to soak up my 5 year old. Because if his next 5 years are like his last 5 years, well.. he will be 10 before I know it. And then 20.. I better digress before I cry. So here is Jon Kent's birthday weekend in all it's celebration glory.

Two of these were taken today. Doing or traditional, stick candles in the breakfast food, birthday celebration. Jon Kent always gets pancakes. The other two are from yesterday when he got his big present from us. A basketball goal. He loves it!
Jon Kent was born at 5:05pm. And the Spiderman balloon was from us and the Happy Birthday balloon was from his teachers in Children's church. He also got a present from his brother and sister (Black Spiderman, Ironman and Wolverine).

These were taken last night. He got to have ice cream cake. It was yummy. He was also treated to a trip to Wal-Mart to pick out any toy he wanted from his Gramsie and Poohba (my parents). He got a ninja outfit and other accessories. He will get the rest of his grandparents and great grandparents gifts at his party. Although my grandmother (his great grandmother) did send him a card with some money in it. He's looking forward to using it to buy some more toys.
So, as you can see, it was a great weekend. The weather was perfect and having a surprise visit from my parents just added to a wonderful weekend. Now.. it's on to Thanksgiving, then Zoey's birthday, then their party, then Christmas. Then we get to start all over again in the new year! Whew! I need a nap!


Bridgett said...

I feel the exact same way. This was a hard one for me. Autumn is my baby...but she's really not a baby anymore, is she? ::sigh::

Looks like both of our babies had great days though.


Janis said...

Sounds like a great time! :)I can't imagine my girls being 5 - I am sure I will be quite emotional!