Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Eve traditions

My daddy, momma, brother and myself would all exchange gifts from one another on Christmas Eve. But my momma and daddy would save their gifts to each other for after my brother and I went to bed. I would always feel left out and always wanted to just sit and watch. But year after year it never happened. Finally, when I was a senior in high school I got to stay up and watch and take part in it. And also the Christmas before I got married. It was special to me.

Now, Kent and I do the same. We exchanged gifts to each other after the kids go to bed on Christmas Eve. And I plan to keep it that way for as long as I can. And then, if they want, once the kids are older let them be included. Who knows, maybe the tradition with continue on through them.


Claire said...

thats really sweet!!! =)

Kristine said...

I love hearing about other people's holiday traditions. Thanks for sharing!

Karen said...

Sorry for my lack of comments lately Em...finally getting caught up on my blog reading after being in the hospital......I love hearing about other's traditions! It's so fun to carry your own over to your children. Mike and I are doing the same!

Bridgett said...

That's a nice tradition. :)

JBGRIGS said...

awww so sweet :)