Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Zoey

Dear Zoey,

I never dreamed I would be having you so soon after having your brother. But you are full of surprises. We call you our wonderful surprise baby. And indeed you are. In the four years you have been here, you have brought so much joy and happiness to my life. I look at you and so far this world, it's cruelness and cold ways, haven't fazed you. You just chug right along with a smile on your face. And girl, you don't meet a stranger. Everyone knows who "Zoey" is. And everyone knows me, because I'm "Zoey's mommy". You are beautiful, loving, smart, kind, compassionate and tough. I never thought I would have a girl who loved worms, frogs, snakes and all things bugs like you. But you do and I wouldn't change it for the world. I hope that your fourth birthday is a great one and that you are showered and spoiled just like a princess should be. I love you, my sweet baby girl. Always and forever will.



Stephanie @ said...

Beautiful letter. Happy Birthday to Zoey!!

Bridgett said...

Happy birthday to Zoey!!