Nathan ended up needing to go to the doctor this morning. He woke up and was running a 103 temperature. So, I called and made him an appointment and Kent's dad took him. After being checked over and getting some lab tests ran the doctor said it was just a fever virus. His ears looked good and all his labs came back fine. She said he would be over it in another 3 days or so. I hope so. I feel awful being here and him being there, sick. But I know he is in good, capable hands. I am sure he is spoiled rotten.. as all the kids are.
Speaking of the kids, Jon Kent and Zoey started their swimming lessons today. We were really worried about them, mainly Jon Kent, not wanting to get into the water or just being stubborn. But we were told they both did very well and did everything they were told to do. Which really surprised me. We told them last night that if they did the swimming lessons and did everything they were told to do that we would bring them home a surprise. So we will have to keep our promise.
Well, I need to jet and look up these school districts. Here's hoping they have good schools.
Emily, I never caught where your moving?? I backtracked but couldnt find it!! Email me!! =)
Gah...I can't imagine seeing that many houses in one day! Are you taking notes to keep track of everything? LOL
I'm sorry to hear Nathan's sick. :(
That always seems to happen to us mommies when we're already feeling guilty for being away. But you're right...he's in good hands.
Good luck the next few days!
I'm so excited for y'all! I wish I was looking for houses!
Have fun :)
I hope the process is not a long one!
Glad their swimming lessons went well. Summer and Camryn seem to love the water so far, hopefully this summer we can work on learning to doggy paddle!
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