What is it like to raise 3 kids so close in age? A little like this...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Lysol anyone?
I'm all out. As I have sprayed anything that would have been touched by anyone. Kent spent a good bit of time in the "facilities" this afternoon. Let's just say he is now empty and still laid up in bed. I have no idea if what Zoey has/had is also what Kent has. Or if what Jon Kent had a few days ago was the beginning of all this. OR that Nathan's plethora of poopie diapers is also a part of this. So far, if they all do have something to do with each other, I'm the only one who hasn't gotten it. And I would like to keep it that way, thankyouverymuch. I'm really hoping that all this is gone by the morning. I was dearly hoping for a nice long weekend with my family. Kent has until Tuesday off and I would like to actually see him some of it.
In other news, I'm twittering. Well, I've off and on been twittering but now I guess I'm going public with it. So it's on my right sidebar for any who are interested.
This afternoon or early evening, forget which one at the moment, Jon Kent and Nathan were playing in their room. I had the camera, snapping shots of them and I told Nathan to say cheese. He did. And then I was then able to get it on video. So hopefully you can hear and understand him.
Oh and one last thing, Zoey ended up sleeping 5.5 hours today. I do believe that is the longest nap she has ever taken besides when she was a little baby. She woke up feeling tons better though. It seemed to be just what she needed.
I'm Emily. I'm a Christian. I'm 30 years old. I'm a wife to my soulmate, Kent. I'm a SAHM to my 3 beautiful children: Jon Kent-9, Zoey-8 and Nathan-5. I'm from a small southern town where we say ain't and y'all. I love my southern roots and wouldn't trade it for all the cream of wheat you've got. We currently hang our hats in South Carolina because of a job promotion my husband was given. So come along for the journey that is my life.
Kent is my wonderful husband of 10 years. In those 10 years he has provided for his family unselfishly. He is a wonderful daddy to our 3 small O'villers. He loves me despite my many flaws and I truly believe he sees me for who I am. I fully intend to spend every last second of my life with him.
Jon Kent is 8 years old. He is a 2nd grader now and I am beyond proud of what a great little boy he is becoming. He loves to learn and figure things out. Jon Kent is an amazing big brother. He is caring and compassionate. He likes to make friends and has really come out of his shell over the past year. Jon Kent loves playing basketball, football and soccer. He is a wonderful, compassionate, kind kid. He is truly a blessing to have as a son.
Zoey is 7 years old. She is my baby girl. My love that only a mother and daughter could have. She is my tomboy who likes sparkly things. Zoey is in 1st grade and she is a social butterfly. She doesn't meet a stranger and the more friends she has the better. Zoey loves to play with bugs, lizards and frogs. She also likes to play with her brothers and tell them what to do. Zoey loves singing and dancing. Anything to make someone smile. This past year she has really gotten into art and I am truly amazed at her ability to draw and color and bring out details that many would leave unnoticed. Zoey is our surprise blessing that I am continually grateful to God for.
Nathan is 5 years old. He is the baby and uses that fact to his advantage. He is a cuddlebug and a wrestler. He adores his big brother and makes it his mission to do everything that Jon Kent does. Nathan is a momma's boy and I wouldn't have it anyother way. His favorite pass times currently are playing with action figures, crewing on his "banket" (blanket) and getting as dirty as possible. Nathan marches to the beat of his own drummer. He is stubborn and strong willed, but doesn't like going to time out. He is a leader and I pray God can use him to lead others to Christ.
When little ones are sick, I think their little bodies let them know exactly what they need.
Apparently, for Zoey, it was a super long nap! LOL
Did she sleep at all last night?
I do hope you're all feeling better soon.
And LOVED hearing Nathan say cheese! So cute!
Oh Em, so sorry! I'll keep my fingers crossed you, JK and Nate don't get it.
I heard him! Aubrey says cheese too :) Smart kids! lol
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