Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday! How I do love my weekends!

And it's going to be a long weekend at that! Kent has Monday off as well. We have a few plans for tomorrow but the rest will be just hanging out. I cleaned the house and washed clothes today. The kids and I hung out inside and did school and crafts today. It was kind of cool this morning and drizzling so the kids weren't pleased to hear we wouldn't be going outdoors. But I tried my hardest to keep them occupied with coloring, reading, block building, etc. It worked for the most part. I dodged all, "Are we going outside to play now?" questions. Tomorrow we have a soccer game and then a birthday party to attend. It should be fun.

In other news, Jon Kent is doing much better. His fever seems to be gone now. He had a low grade one yesterday but nothing since. He is eating again and playing. He does tire out easily but it will take some time for him to get his full wind back. He is waking up a lot during the night. He will complain that something or another is hurting him. Last night it was his stomach and back. I figure his antibiotic might be upsetting his stomach a little and maybe his back hurting is just the pneumonia in his lungs. Don't really know for sure. Those are just my mommy educated guesses. I'm hoping by the time we go back for his recheck that his x-rays will be clear.

These are from today. It was our "craft". They loved doing them.


JBGRIGS said...

I'm happy to hear Jon Kent is feeling better. The halloween crafts you all made are so cute :)

Terri said...

So glad Jon Kent is feeling better!

Love the crafts..too cute


Mandy said...

Pleased to hear Jon Kent is much better.
