The kids were finally done with school the first week in June.
Side note: I do not believe I will ever get used to my kids being in school in June. Growing up I was always out of school before memorial day. It just seems wrong to still be in school during June. But I digress...
I had to take my final Spanish class during the Summer I semester (June). Zoey was taking a gifted and talented art program (also in June) and Jon Kent had a basketball camp in Auburn one of those weeks. Also, Zoey made All-Stars for her softball league so we had that going on as well. Nathan just went along for the ride, though he did get a few days of alone time with the grands and great grands to be spoiled rotten.
After school was out for me and Zoey's program was done we headed to Alabama for a family reunion and to enjoy some down time. Kent had to work so he stayed in South Carolina. It was a nice visit and I was so happy to be officially out of school and not worry about keeping up with school assignments. While we were there I was able to celebrate my daddy's birthday with him.
When we returned home I washed clothes and literally repacked for a trip to DC with Kent and the kids. It was a great trip, but far from relaxing. I had the kids by myself during the day, so we explored the city and visited museums, monuments and memorials, and the zoo. We were all pretty exhausted by the time we got home. Speaking of which, we are home and finally relaxing and being lazy like summer should be. But not for long. We have another trip coming up.. to the beach! We are go excited about this one! Panama City Beach is probably my favorite place in the world. We are going down there with Kent's family. Hoping it will be a tad more relaxing than the DC trip.
So as you can tell, our summer has been slammed packed. Only a little over 3 weeks until school starts back! Dread that, but until then we are soaking summer up.