Let's see.. what has been going on since the last time I wrote. We finished up another year of Upward. Our week nights are somewhat freed up and our Saturdays are free (for now). It was a great year. I have already been thinking of new cheers and routines for next season. The anniversary of my momma's death came around for the 2nd time. It was hard, but easier than the first year. I still go through my bouts of crying, then getting sad, getting down and even getting mad. Thankfully my joy lies with my Savior. The same Savior that saved my momma many years ago. My hope lies in Him and knowing that because of Him I will see my momma again. Our winter has been very mild so that means we have spent a lot of time outside. On March 16th Kent and I celebrated 10 years of wedded bliss. It still blows my mind that we have already been married a decade. It seriously doesn't seem like it! In the last 2-3 weeks we have enjoyed weather in the 70s and 80s. It's been wonderful! Makes me long for the kids to hurry up and get out of school so that we can enjoy all day playing and being care free. Speaking of care free.. the kids' spring break is in about 10 days or so. They are going to Alabama for a few days and Kent and I are going to enjoy some alone time. We have a few projects lined up, a date night or two planned and sleeping late. :) Looking forward to it.. if you couldn't already tell.
So yeah, that's about it. Now, to find time to post some pictures...